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Исходник AutoDefuse
Kentos311Дата: Понедельник, 08.05.2017, 16:59 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 729
Если кому нужен, то забирайте совершенно бесплатно!

void AutoDefuse(CBaseEntity* pLocal, CInput::CUserCmd* pCmd)
    // Abort if you are not a counter-terrorist //
    if (!(pLocal->GetTeam() == 3))

    // Loop through entities in the world //
    for (int i = 1; i < CInterfaces::g_pEntList->GetHighestEntityIndex(); i++)
        // Saving the entity for use //
        CBaseEntity* pEntity = CInterfaces::g_pEntList->GetClientEntity(i);
        // Continue if the entity exists //
        if (!pEntity)
        // Pretty self-explanatory //
        if (pEntity->IsDormant())
        // Filter entities to get the planted bomb //
        if (pEntity->GetClientClass()->GetClassID() != CPlantedC4)
        // Making sure that the bomb is not already defused //
        if (pEntity->IsBombDefused())

        // Retrieve the distance from you to the bomb //
        float fDistance = g_pMath.GetDistance(pLocal->GetAbsOrigin(), pEntity->GetAbsOrigin());

        // Continue if you are within a reasonable distance & field of view //
        if (fDistance <= 6.5f)
            // Defuse the bomb derp //
            pCmd->buttons |= IN_USE;
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